
HSE Art And Design School students and teachers schedule in your pocket.


Know your and your colleagues workload and performance. See the list of current projects.


See employees contact info and call directly from the app. Easily access and view the contact information of your colleagues, including their phone numbers and email addresses.

Attendance sheets

Check students attendance in class. All you need is a phone with the Internet!

Reviews and exams

Rate exams and reviews. See final grades after the session.

More interesting things to come

The application is constantly updated, taking into account the wishes of users. The future is in your hands. Send us comments and suggestions on the application. Our contacts are on Support page.

    Here are some of the features we are going to add in next versions:

  • Data caching to work offline.
  • Push notifications on start of lessons and reminders to tag students.
  • Feedback on students and teachers.
  • Alert on schedule changes.

Install the application

The app is now available for iOS and Android platforms. If you are an Android developer, please contact us.